Consulting and Training


Consulting and Training

EPC Foodservice Consulting and Training Programs


                In July of 2018, the EPC launched the first comprehensive Foodservice Consulting service for EPC members. Bonnie Muckenthaler was the first consultant and is now the Director of Foodservice Programs at the EPC. Today the EPC has 3  Foodservice Consultants and a Professional Standards Trainer in the Foodservice Department. Together, the staff of 5 oversee a number of consulting and training programs. Please see bios of the EPC Foodservice Staff and a summary of our consulting programs on this page.   

Consulting Programs

Financial Analysis and Solutions
We can perform a comprehensive financial analysis of your foodservice operation and provide you with a detailed report that will compare your district's performance  to industry benchmarks .    We will also provide a clear plan on what is needed for your operation to succeed.  

Annual Foodservice Compliance Program
This annual program offers complete oversight of your program to meet all regulations and reporting requirements. Includes ongoing financial analysis and assistance with audits, as well as administrative and procurement reviews.   Also included are menus, production records and a professional foodservice website which we manage.  This allows your onsite manager /director to focus solely on the day-to-day operations of the cafeteria and employees. Think of it as a very experienced and knowledgeable virtual assistant!  Compliance Districts can  click HERE to access our resource page. 

Monthly Menu Service
Provide monthly compliant menus to districts, with ability to add your unique recipes, posted on a custom webpage on your district’s website that provides all nutritional information and allergens to parents.

Audit/USDA Assistance
Hands on, pre-audit and audit assistance for administrative and procurement reviews.

On-Site Trainings/In-services
Onsite Professional Standards Trainings for Staff and Director Level Training

EPC Google Group
Members support each other through an EPC google email group chat. Questions and challenges posted are met with thoughtful and caring responses. Go to the EPC Google Group page (on left menu of this page). 

Bri Listermann RDN, LD- Foodservice Consultant, Compliance Specialist

Bri Listermann is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian with a bachelor's degree in Dietetics from the University of Cincinnati. She has five years of experience in foodservice management and consulting. Entering the industry just before the COVID-19 pandemic, she played a crucial role in assisting several districts with transitioning to alternate serving methods and navigating severe supply chain issues. Bri is an expert in Point-of-Sale systems and administrative review preparations. She oversees compliance for 12 districts within our EPC compliance program.

Mary Rodehaver, Foodservice Consultant, Compliance Specialist

Mary has a masters degree in dietetics from the University Kentucky.  She joined the EPC in June of 2023.  She is very familiar with the Administrative review process and oversees compliance for 12 districts in our EPC compliance program.  Mary offers innovative solutions and organization to foodservice issues. 


Meet our Consulting Staff

Bonnie Muckenthaler, Director of Foodservice Programs, SNS

Bonnie has 31 years of experience as a foodservice director in the Cincinnati area.   She also has an Ohio business manager license, a business degree from Miami University of Ohio and is a School Nutrition Specialist (SNS). Her specialty is Financial Analysis Projects for districts, including food cost and labor cost studies.  She  also founded the successful and growing EPC Foodservice Compliance Program in 2018.  Bonnie has helped many districts develop a plan to "right size" the food service operation to create a self sustaining environment.  She offers in-depth consulting on an hourly basis for any and all foodservice needs.  As the director of foodservice programs at the EPC, Bonnie is very familiar with USDA Procurement Regulations and assist districts often with procurement reviews.  

Kathleen Housman, Foodservice Consultant, Menu Specialist

Kathleen is a registered and licensed dietician.    Kathleen also has a master's degree in nutrition.  She was an ODEW School Nutrition Specialist for 16 years and also a foodservice director in the Dayton area for 7 years.  Kathleen oversees the EPC menu program for the EPC Compliance Districts and also for districts who utilize the EPC Menu Service Program.  Kathleen is an excellent resource for nutritional assistance and also is quite familiar, as a previous reviewer, with the Administrative Review Process.   Kathleen manages our nutritional analysis software program.  

Connie Little, EPC Professional Standards Trainer, SNS

Connie Little, SNS (School Nutrition Specialist), has a BS in Human Nutrition from the Ohio State University, and 32 years of Foodservice Experience in the Dayton Area. She was the School Nutrition Association National Director of the Year !  Connie is the EPC Professional Standards Trainer.  She has an energetic, personable, and fun training style that staff find helpful, enjoyable and informative!   Connie also provides one-on-one new director training. Connie now  contributes training content to our online training partner, Public School Works., as well!     Please see below for Training Topics and Pricing.  Connie can also customize any training to meet your needs! 
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